Tuesday, January 26, 2010


There once was a girl named Jen
who studies now and again
when the test comes around
there's no doubt she'll be found
Cramming the info in.

That is my quickly written limerick about me studying for my first test in my adult nursing class...
which is what I should be doing now...
but instead, I am updating my blog with silly poetry...
I'm SOOOOO tired of studying and reading and studying and reading and studying and reading and studying and reading and studying and reading and studying and reading and studying and reading...
I'm only on my first test and I've only had one day of clinicals and I already feel like I need a break.

I think I am experiencing burnout. this is not good. not good at all...

but friends, the good news is that I am ACTUALLY hanging out with peeps tomorrow night... which is good, cuz all I've been up to since saturday is studying!! [well i guess I hung out with a couple folks Sunday evening, but lets face it...50% of that time was me studying at their apartment]

I'm missing out of the UAB basketball game tonight... grrr...
but maybe I'll start out the semester with a good grade on this test??
i'm sceered cuz 24 people failed this class last semester. That is almost 1/4. YIKES! [and I'm not talking about the pencil.]

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

I Want...

to graduate and get my license fairly quickly.
to go to New Zealand.
to go to Ireland again.
to live somewhere refreshing.
to be good at photography and have an awesome camera that I KNOW HOW to use.
...I also want a couple of other things...

but then... MAYBE. MAYBE I'll go to graduate school. or do Doctors Without Borders... or something.

but there's nothing I want more than............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ;)