Monday, December 28, 2009

Getting into trouble....

So there is this one particular area of my life that causes me to be ~seriously~ 100% bored...

boredom = eventually getting into trouble. lol.

so i shall fix it... yes...

Thursday, December 17, 2009

As Promised


I wrote a quick poem so I could relate the experience.

Oh Topsey's Exotic Ranch!!
How I miss that alluring land
where a zebra curiously befriends a yak!
no sweeter music graces my ears
than the screams that peirce mid camel attack.
No finer emotion will you feel
as goats follow on the path of your drive back.
Oh how I miss that alluring land
where a zebra curiously befriends a yak!

Now I expect you all to lower the lights, put on your berets, and beat on your congo drum. Snapping your fingers is appropriate if no drum is to be had.

As I was writing this poem, I realized that no words could express the horror of having a 1000+ pound yak run up to you with a foot-long lolling tongue streaming from its cavernous mouth chock-full of CrAzY-sHaRp teeth. Most scientists would lead you to believe that yaks are herbivores. THIS IS A FALSEHOOD. I repeat:: FALSEHOOD. As in... its a lie. No scientist that has ~truly~ ever peered into any yak's mouth has reason to believe that they only eat plants. and why are so many intelligent people of our society hoodwinked?? Those that peer into the yak's mouth without delivering a proper snack get eaten. It's that simple. Fortunately, we were equipped with a satisfying spherical snack that could easily be pitched into the yak's trap, and we were able to get away...until we met the camel.

As for the camel... we became good friends after we understood eachother... He could have SOME of our food, but he could NOT steal our entire bags full of food.

yes!! How I miss that alluring land called Topsey's Exotic Ranch~!
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