Thursday, January 6, 2011

Night Shift

-- I worked my first night shift. More money per hour, but I get an ultra jacked-up sleep schedule.
I'm about to leave for a quick jaunt at the gym, then I'm ready for another night shift hoopla!

Note to self: never look for a fun photo to put up with your night shift nurse post. never. 

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Resolution of 2011: An Even Better, HEALTHIER version of Jen.

“The object of a new year is not that we should have a new year. It is that we should have a new soul” G.K. Chesterton

OK. So I don't have a HUGE plan, but I want to be healthier. Like the ultimate healthy person machine.
However, I am referring to all aspects of health. The plan is to make some small goals each month and incorporate them into my life long-term if it is beneficial.

This month I shall focus on physical health--
--Eating healthier by cooking all-out balanced meals 2 times a week. That way I can have healthy left-overs too.
--Hitting the gym 3x's/wk. So far this week, I have gone once.
--Filling my cabinets with healthy food and taking food with me (snack/lunch) to work!!

K! So lets see how it goes..
Gym and grocery shopping tomorrow.
(I'm also about to start working at the heart transplant unit on nights... eek! So I shall install a crazy good curtain in my room so I can sleep!)

2010 Resolutions: 12 New Things

Ok. so I DID do 12 new things last year I swear. I think I was on number 8 and stopped blogging about the things that I did.

Big Brothers/Big Sisters hasn't been done because I missed my appointment and I never rescheduled. BUT... I'm still not opposed to doing it...

I WAS going to go skydiving for the first time-- I had a day picked out and folks to go with, etc etc, and then my electrophysicist  told me not to!! Initially I was going to go anyway (if you know me, you would expect this to be my initial reaction) but ultimately, I figured I shouldn't defy my electrophysicist and kept my feet firmly planted on solid ground.

So. I think I was on number 8???
8) KRUNK! Dance class-- i like it, its fun. I attended semi-regularly at one point. One day I took the class from the creator of Krunk herself!!
9) Buying my first car (Yes I have had a car before, but I admit that it was a wonderful gift from my parents, one that I appreciate them greatly for) I heart my corolla. RIP my dear, dear focus :(
10) Living in Vestavia!! I have a new apartment in Vestavia and I love it. Except for listening to this couple banging upstairs... yeah. I'm NOT listening in, but you can't help but notice..... ew. Needless to say, I have a difficult time looking my upstairs neighbors in the eye.
11) Solo road trip!! I drove up to Memphis by myself to stay with Em. Its only a 4 hour drive by myself, but it is the only time I have gone on a road trip with just me in the car. It was nice. I love road trips and Em and I did a lot of fun things.
12) Buying something off of CraigsList... hrm. It was good. I bought a kitchen table. Little did Julie know that I would be painting her beautiful maple table solid black!!! hahahaha.

Well 2010 was more excellent than even I could imagine, and originally I said that the only resolution I was gonna make was to make no more resolutions...
However, I think shall. I liked my 12 New Things in a year thing. I liked the one-a-monthness of it. Even though I didn't always write about them on my blog, maybe I shall continue a new once-a-month check-in type of thing.

New resolutions to follow.
Much loaf, my dear readers :)