Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Its....... JUST JEN!!

**stuff i wanna point out, etc**
--I guess I'll number them.

1) I can be assertive.
2) Passive people rarely achieve their goals.
3) Passive-aggressive and negativity are soooooooo "unbecoming".
4) Anger will eat you up and spit you out.
5) Being insanely busy makes time go by insanely fast. 6 months has SERIOUSLY felt like 3 weeks... tops! My days go by SOOO quickly, they run together.
6) Not all people have the capacity to form a friendship that endures the test of time.
7) Just because you love someone doesn't mean you have to be involved with them.
8) Loneliness happens to everybody... it doesn't matter what your relationship status is or how many friends or how big of a family you have or how much time you spend with these people... and I'm scared of reaching that point where I feel like I have that one person I almost rely on to completely eradicate that from my life-- only to one day find that they've cashed out for one reason or another
9) There are good ways of coping and there are bad ways of coping. Pick the good ways because the maladaptive ways ensure that you must also see yourself fall apart.
10)Spaghetti is gooooooooood.
11)I have ABSOLUTELY NO REGRETS and it is awesome....gonna keep it that way.
12)I have some really great friends, but Lili and Carey and Amy and Nathan are the best. Never. I mean NEVER has one of these people EVER let me down.
13)I analyze people sometimes. but this is because...
14)I analyze and OVER analyze, and sometimes I analyze again. I like to call it "assessing the situation" and then the oh-so-necessary "re-assessing the situation" It's a nurse thing.
15)People do what you expect them to do.
16)I've never met a highly refined carbohydrate that I didn't like. dang it. they're not healthy.
17)Exercise is gooooooooood. There are too many reasons to do it,to not.
18)I love people and I love fast-paced. So I am in NURSING!! VOILA!!
19)Nursing is skill-based and knowledge-based. It is the perfect combination for meeeee!!
20)I can deal with blood and vomit all day, but please don't make me deal with excessively flaky gross skin. EEEEEEWWWWWWWWWW!!!
21)I am currently an insomniac. DANG IT!! Not being able to sleep when you need to is definitely classified as "detriment".
22)I'm about to go to Texas. This will be awesomeness in one of its purest forms.
23)I don't celebrate my birthday much... I celebrate my birthMONTH. This means that there is cause for joyousness for the month of november in its entirety.
24)I'm not obsessed with movies, nor are they my favorite form of entertainment, but I do enjoy a good movie!!
25) Sometimes I really like diet coke, sometimes I hate it along with all carbonation.

so yeah... peace and monkey grease


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