1) I'm naturally good at it, if I do say so myself. (P.S. I find that I am minimally talented at a lots and lots of things, as opposed to being ultra-great at any one particular thing. So yeah.)
2) I like making stuff in general, so why wouldn't I like making some food now and again?
3) I like compiling the recipes of the things I make and say how I adapt them.
So yeah-- I have a cookbook that I am writing/adapting. I've been working on it on and off for a year, and I am considering starting a blog with it, but I know you guys want pics of the ultra awesome things I make, which would mean that I need to acquire a camera first.
Eventually, I will need a name for this book/blog, so please start brainstorming and add your comments.
Note: Pioneer Woman (that title=bleck.) is already taken, along with For The Love of Cooking, Bitten, This Week for Dinner, and Steamy Kitchen.