This team is comprised of the absolute finest football stars from all across the UAB campus. I just so happen to be the captain!! So yes-- I am a captain of a football team... but it's kinda like Bear Bryant being a leader of a knitting circle. So our team is really awesome and everybody is really fun! Our goal for the season, you ask?? To pulverize the other team well enough so our score is at least one point higher than theirs. Lofty you say? I think not!
Despite the blood, sweat, and tears, dislocated thumbs, destruction of shins, and elbows to the face, our team finds the determination to get out on that field and give one-hundred and ten percent every game!! and we have to! We have so much fun, and this is one of the many things that are redeeming my college experience this year.

Oh geez... so within the first few plays of the first game last Thursday, I am running really hard across the field, only to run head-first into a guy from the other team!! As much as I would like to say how hard I completely plowed through the fella, I got knocked back onto my bum into a mud hole! However, I dare say he thought twice about trying to run me over again.