So. EPIC FAIL (cuz I haven't blogged in a while.) It's definitely not because I don't have anything interesting to write about.
It's just that I don't have anything interesting to write about.
However, I must say that this summer is actually infinitely better than last summer, simply because I decided not to work at the good ole BBQ joint called Richard's. That place is enough to ruin anyone's outlook on life. (especially if you decide to try their abnormally sweet collard greens...ew)
SO: I've clean this old lady's house and cut her grass and weed-eat it and edge her yard about once a week... oy. so i've kept my head above water.
THEN... there is the whole nursing school thing. Now don't get me wrong, I *LOVE* the profession I have chosen, but I can honestly say that this summer semester has allowed me to bolster great animosity towards...(well... for lack of a better, non-offensive way to put it) maternal things. I mean hospital-y baby-bearing matters. I honestly don't wanna check your uterus to see if it is boggy or not, and I don't wanna put drops of pee on a little card to test it for various things. and I most DEFINITELY don't wanna see how your lochia is doing today. However, the whole nursing thing on the whole= LOVE.
So to get through the semester I've had to keep my eye on the prize:: GRADUATION and MOVING. SO pheonix, arizona, here I come!! In August of 2010, that is! (Well, maybe... I'm not completely ruling out other places yet)

UNRELATED NEWS: I'm making a third attempt at painting some "modern art" At first I claimed I was creating abstract art, until one of my well-cultured friends pointed out that abstract art is supposed to BE something. So, because of my lack of painting skills, I am creating something that goes under the "modern art" category.
Adieu, my fair readers, and expect another update!!